Ahmed Islaih


A device that focuses on teaching the STE(A)M concept of storytelling to young students.



How might I design a STEAM toy to help young learners better prepared for the uncertain future of the 21st century?

STEM is an alternative educational approach that is being used in some schools today to better prepare student from Kindergarten-grade 12 for uncertain futures of the 21st century. However, the reality is that this approach is not very inclusive for girls and boys from diverse groups. In order for future generations to get a fair chance at having an enjoyable life in the 21st-century economy, an emphasis needs to be put on STEAM education approaches. This can be achieved by adding the arts into STEM. This includes concepts such as storytelling and maker education.

Why this problem?

As a robotics educator, I have a passion for STEAM education. From my experience, I know students tend to enjoy this type of learning more than the type of education that is found in typical classroom settings.

  • To design a STEAM toy comprised of physical components aimed to help teach students grade 1-8 Math, Cultural Art and other subjects that can be taught at schools. The students will have the opportunity to learn by playing and doing rather than traditional learning methods.
  • Teachers will use the toy in different ways in the classroom to make learning more engaging and fun for the greatest number of students.
  • The toy will provide a STEAM Education that is inclusive to all genders and ethnicities
User Definition



Teachers are the ones are going to decide if this toy will enhance their classrooms. Therefore, it is important that they fully understand how to use the tool works.


  • Ability to engage more students 
  • Cultural awareness in the classroom
  • More aware of STEAM tools and concepts in general



Students from grades 1-8 will gain access to this teaching tool. The toy will allow students to learn by doing.


  • Interactive learning
  • Learning becomes more enjoyable for all genders and cultures
  • Changing traditional classrooms into labs or playgrounds 
  • Learning by making
First Iteration

Second Iteration

Cap-tutor focuses on teaching storytelling by having students capturing pictures of their work in progress from beginning to end. Using all the images collected from the device, students will be able to display their process on a webpage in an engaging manner.